Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 19: Study Date

Dawn was relieved to be finished with her shift at the library. It had been a weird evening, what with the girl asking about Elrath and then him running away from her. It surprised her, now that she thought about it, that she or anyone else had even seen or noticed him. When she and her friends had been looking for him before, he’d had no trouble hiding. What was he doing differently now?

The rest of the shift had gone smoothly, except for the three books she’d found mis-shelved and had to put back on the cart, and the pile of books under one table, some of which were dog-eared or otherwise mistreated—but unfortunately, there was nothing unusual about either of those. She just had to pick them up, get them into the best shape she could, and get them back to where they belonged.

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Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 18: Hiding in the Library

When Dawn was working on the shelving upstairs, she went past the study rooms. Since she didn’t seem to have a huge amount to do today (there was only one cart of books to shelve, and not very many books left out on tables), she peeked in to see if Edie and Derwen were sitting in one of them. They were; she gave them a little wave and they waved back. Then she had to go on—she wasn’t supposed to socialize while she was working.

She wondered how much longer the two of them would be studying in there. Midterms were this week—they were probably studying even harder than usual, if Ginny was anything like Professor Lal—but that meant that the practical part of the magic curriculum was about to begin. It wouldn’t be very nice to practice elemental magic in the library, for either them or the librarians.

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Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 17: That Christy Girl

Dawn accepted the book cart from Emi and rolled it into a corner where she would be out of the way. There she piled half the books on the floor and started sorting the other half, using the emptied shelves to keep her sections organized.

Books on religion and philosophy went on the upper left. Books on history went on the upper right. Books on or in foreign languages went on the lower left, and books on science went on the lower right. Other types of books were less common and went in between wherever it made sense.

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Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 16: The Sisters

Corrie and Annie waited around after finishing their breakfasts to stay with Edie, though Roe headed back before they did, saying she had homework to do. When Edie finished, the three of them headed back to Gilkey.

Corrie had something she was wondering about that she hoped Edie might have asked Leila—since Leila was the only one likely to have an answer for them. She didn’t know whether to ask about it in front of Annie, though. It might be a really uncomfortable question for Leila, if she really had been involved in the story that Link had told them.

And she didn’t want to bring up Leila in front of Annie any more than she had to. She was still hoping that Edie and Leila would break up for good and that Annie would then be able to date Edie.

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Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 15: Breakfast

Corrie could tell that Annie looked unhappy as they headed toward the cafeteria—she didn’t feel entirely happy herself—so she made a point of mentioning that she had left Edie a note. She also tried to look around surreptitiously when they left Gilkey, but she didn’t see any sign of Edie or Leila.

Annie and Corrie both cheered up once they started eating their food, but Roe still seemed grumpy, staring down at her eggs and not talking much. Corrie tried to involve her in the conversation, and finally came out and asked, “Roe, what’s wrong? If you were just up late last night, I’ll stop bugging you.”

“I was up kind of late, but that’s not the problem,” Roe said. She pushed her hair back out of her face and sighed. “I had a weird dream last night.”

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Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 14: Morning Light

Sunday, April 16

Corrie, balancing her keys in one hand and her shower tote with her towel in the other (she’d wrapped the towel around her head as she always did when done with her shower, but it seemed to be unbalanced today and was tipping to the side), managed to get the door of her dorm room unlocked. The light was on, and when she stepped inside she looked around, expecting to see Edie, but no one was there.

She might have been in the bathroom herself, but Corrie hadn’t thought there was anyone else there when she left. And she had a strange feeling that Edie had gone somewhere else.

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Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 13: The Djanaea Story

“What exactly is the agreement?” Corrie asked. “What are you telling them, or asking them? I mean, you don’t have to tell me if it’s supposed to be a secret, but I’m really curious.”

Link shook his head. “It’s not really a secret. In fact, I guess it might be better if more people know. I trust you guys not to run around telling people about it.”

“Of course,” Edie said. “First of all, we’d have to explain about the faeries and the merpeople that go to college here, and then if they stopped laughing long enough to listen to the rest of it…”

Continue reading “Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 13: The Djanaea Story”

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Patreon prompt post now open!

<a href=”″>The prompt post is up here</a>! This month’s theme is <b>endings</b>.

It’s open to anyone to prompt–so please feel free to head over there and leave a prompt (or leave one in the comments here)!

If you pledge just $1 a month, you’ll get to read the exclusive short story that I will post for Patreon supporters. If you pledge $3 a month, you’ll get access to a monthly epub file including all the posted Chatoyant College chapters from the previous month as well as the Patreon story.

Chatoyant College, Chatoyant College Book 12: Reemergence

Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 12: Coming True

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Corrie said, trying to soothe Roe’s worries. “He can take care of himself, right? The Djanaea have their own magic.”

She actually wasn’t sure whether Link could hold his own against any faeries who decided to give him trouble. But there had to be something he could do. It would be ridiculous to send someone with no more power than an ordinary human to talk to faeries like Mardalan.

“Yeah, I guess,” Roe said with a shrug and a twist of her mouth to the side. “But it’s mostly illusion magic, and he doesn’t want to hide himself from the faeries, since he has to talk to them. So I don’t know if it will keep him safe.”

Continue reading “Chatoyant College Book 12: Chapter 12: Coming True”