
Mailing list signup

I apologize–I forgot to include a link to sign up for the mailing list in my last post! I promise that I will not send frivolous or chatty emails to the list; it is only for announcements of new books and sales. Mailing list subscribers will receive exclusive discounts and maybe even free, exclusive books in the future.

You can sign up here.


Coming Soon: A Star to Guide Her

I know this blog has been quiet. Sorry! I can never think of anything to post about if it isn’t updating you on the status of my books.

But now I do have an update for you: a YA fantasy trilogy I’ve been working on, A Star to Guide Her, is coming soon! Book 1 is not quite ready for public consumption, but look for it in the next week. (I’ll post here when it’s published, of course.) I’ve written and edited them all already so I can publish them in quick succession, in hopes of gaining some visibility and readership that way. Not to mention that I know the frustration of having to wait a long time in between books in a series and not necessarily remembering what happened in previous books…

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